Ben’s cause
Sunday, June 9, 2013
The first of our monthly blog updates starts this month with Ben’s cause. Ben is 5 years old and was born with cerebral palsy. 2 years ago we sponsored one of the many fantastic fund raising events Ben’s parents held in order to raise money for Ben to have physio therapy sessions. Thanks to the love, support and hard work of Ben’s parents they managed to raise the funds needed for Ben’s physio sessions and we are pleased to report that Ben has been making slow but steady progression.
Now at 5 years old Ben has been approved to have the life changing operation called SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy). This will remove the spasticity in Ben’s legs, therefore removing all the pain & enabling Ben to use his “normal” muscles. This operation can only be carried out in St Louis, Missouri, America & for the life-changing operation and essential post-op therapy they need to raise a huge £60k.
We attended a fund raising black tie event held by Ben’s parents and were thrilled that they managed to raise just over £7000.00 on this one evening alone towards his operation.
Adding our donation to money already raised we are so pleased to learn that they have now managed to break the half way point.
For anyone who would like to learn more of Ben’s story or if you should wish to make a donation to this life changing cause, please click on the link below.
From all of the Truglaze team we wish Ben and his parents all the luck in the world in reaching their target goal and to a successful operation.
Visit Ben’s Just Giving page here